3D Procedural Levels Generation with Unity

What's Inside

Push the boundaries to create engaging levels and scenery with Procedural Content Generation in Unity. Learn about this awesome and incredibly effective approach to world-building.

Looking to diversify the world inside of your game, but low on ideas? Fear not! Procedural Content Generation might be exactly what you’re looking for!

Creating a brand new world to explore inside your game is one of the most enjoyable parts of game development. Constructing new levels to expand the available landscape can give your players a sense of wonder and discovery.

However, at times the process of designing, building, and implementing the levels and content within a game can be a cumbersome and tedious task — oftentimes, it’s downright repetitive. Some might excel at using a drag-and-drop method to create a scene, but others might find comfort and reliability in having the game itselftake care of that.

That is where Procedural Content Generation comes in — that’s right, no need to delegate even more time and resources to expanding the number of levels in your game. Instead, why not have a code and algorithm do that same work for you?

Drop into this course and learn the tile-based method for procedural level creation — how to automatically have trees, rivers, and other in-game elements instantiated in your levels, and much more to customize your world.

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